Ken Tielkemeier: the 4th of July

New York, 1991
oil on canvas
Dimensions: 122 x 66 cm / 48 x 26 inches
2500 €
The expressionist painter Ken Tielkemeier paints a pheasant and a baby pheasant in his garden during the 4th of July holiday in the USA.

2400 €
Cebra Avenue
4000 €
Child in a garden
3000 €
4000 €
Nude woman with red curtain
1900 €
Nude woman in profile
2300 €
portrait of Bardawill
2400 €
portrait of Robert E. Lee
2500 €
2700 €
Franca in the garden
2400 €
Guitar on chair
1600 €
Inghe with bread and vase
1700 €